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What is the principle of the probe calibration of the image measuring instrument?

信息来源于:互联网 发布于:2022-04-15

What is the principle of the probe calibration of the image measuring instrument? Probe calibration is mainly performed using standard spheres. The diameter of the standard ball is between 10mm and 50mm, and its diameter and shape error are calibrated (the standard ball configured by the manufacturer has a calibration certificate). Before the probe is calibrated, the probe needs to be defined. According to the requirements of the measurement software, select (input) the probe, probe, extension rod, stylus, standard ball diameter (the actual diameter value after calibration of the standard ball), etc. The software needs to input the distance from the stylus to the center of the probe head, and at the same time, it needs to define the probe number that can distinguish its different angles, positions or lengths.
Use manual, joystick, and automatic methods to touch 5 points within the maximum range of the standard ball, and the distribution of points should be uniform. The computer software carries out the fitting calculation of the ball through the X, Y, Z values of the center coordinates of the gemstone ball at these points, and obtains the center coordinates, diameter and shape error of the fitted ball. Subtract the diameter of the standard sphere from the diameter of the fitted sphere to obtain the calibrated stylus gemstone sphere diameter, which is the "dynamic diameter".

When other probes of different angles, positions or lengths are corrected according to the above method, the positional relationship between the probes is obtained from the difference in the coordinates of the center points of the fitted balls, and the probe relationship matrix is generated by the software. When using styluses of different angles, positions and lengths to measure elements in different parts of the same part, the measurement software converts them to the same probe number (usually No. 1 probe) as if they were measured by a single probe. All probes calibrated on the same standard ball (unchanged positions) can accurately achieve this automatic conversion

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