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How does the image measuring instrument perform moisture-proof skills?

信息来源于:互联网 发布于:2022-04-15

How does the image measuring instrument perform moisture-proof skills? The weather in southern my country is relatively humid, with a lot of rain and high humidity. There are frequent heavy rainstorms in many places. In such a humid environment, remind all users of the video measuring instrument to pay attention to maintaining your video measuring instrument. In particular, do a good job of moisture-proof measures. In order to avoid many failures during use. We know that the image measuring instrument is a precise measuring instrument that has requirements for the environment.
    At the same time, this kind of equipment is destined to be much more "squeamish" than ordinary mechanical equipment. Usually in addition to human improper operation will affect its performance. External environmental factors cannot be ignored. These external environmental factors include ground flatness, temperature, light intensity, air humidity, etc. The weather is humid and the humidity in the air is high, so we need to take moisture-proof measures for the storage room of the image measuring instrument. There are many specific methods.

    For example, install a wall fan in the instrument testing room to keep the air circulating; place an appropriate amount of desiccant on the wall of the testing room; put a dry cloth on the artificial inlet and outlet to prevent personnel from bringing water into the room; The most simple hygrometer can be used to detect the humidity of the room. A hygrometer generally uses a percentage to display the ratio of water molecules to gas molecules in the air.

    In a humid environment, without taking moisture-proof measures, you will find many problems when using the image measuring instrument. For example, the image of the lens has a foggy layer and the image is not clear; the metal surface of the instrument breeds bacterial rust; when the instrument is manually operated, the hand feel is not good. Therefore, in this humid climate, it is necessary to keep the image measuring instrument dry and clean.

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